Electiricity Bill iconElectricity bills are calculated by adding two charges together:

  • Delivery charges
    The cost to deliver electricity to you, maintain the poles and wires, and address power outages.
  • Supply charges
    The cost of the electricity you use.

Your community choice aggregation will be integrated into participants’ existing electricity bills. The program will impact only the supply charge portion of the bills. Your utility’s delivery charges will not be impacted by your community choice aggregation program.

Participants in your community choice aggregation will see two changes on their utility’s electricity bill:

  1. Your community’s chosen electricity supplier will be listed on the bill.
  2. The supply charges on the bill will be calculated using your community choice aggregation price instead of your utility’s Basic Service price.

Example Eversource bill

Side 1

Side 2

Eversource sample bill pg 2 explained

Example National Grid bill

Side 1

Side 2